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egularly participating in domestic and international exhibitions, conducting academic seminars with scientific research institutions, and launching new products.

August 21 2018
Pepsi announced a price of 3.2 billion US dollars
Acquired the global soda machine leader brand SodaStream
Trying to fight against Coca-Cola in the market for healthy drinks
Why did Pepsi also begin to focus on making healthy drinks?
Popular drinks are round and round, and most people often drink Sprite
Cola and so on are said to be "fat house happy water"
But are these drinks really happy for the body?
Open Baidu search cola
Show more is telling you the harm of cola
For example: corrosive teeth, increase stomach acid
Let your blood sugar get higher and your skin darken

Will affect male fertility, etc.

So now people are pursuing delicious food.
At the same time, pay more attention to physical health
Pepsi is also looking at this and starting to pay attention to healthy drinks.
And soda, the simplest healthy drink that is called pure water.
More and more people are coming into life

What is soda?

Soda water is an aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate
May form naturally or with a weak base effervescent tablet
Soda effervescent tablets and robots generate
Soda water contains weak alkaline, medically externally sterilizable
Soda water in addition to sodium bicarbonate
Also contains a variety of trace elements
So it’s a good drink

One cup of sweethome soda effervescent tablets every day
"Alkali" is healthier
Soda water is weakly alkaline
The human body environment is weakly alkaline
We eat a lot of meat and fish every day.
Are acidic foods
Therefore, acid-base balance is required
So eating more alkaline food is more conducive to good health.
In fact, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, etc. are all alkaline foods.
But after the food is digested by the human body, the amount is very small.
Eat three pounds of fruits and vegetables per person per day to meet the body's need for alkali

Insufficient stomach power, one piece at hand
Soda water is good for stomach, because soda can neutralize stomach acid.
I feel nausea, lack of stomach power, difficulty digesting, stomach upset
You can soak a glass of soda
Helps to greasy, neutralize stomach acid
Relieve indigestion can also solve the symptoms of constipation

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